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Site maintained by Gotenkz

Hi and welcome to my site, after much thinking I decided to make my own site. I made an edit of Womplord's map DBZ Tribute and here it is for download. I got V10 coming out soon enough.
Mirror: DBZ Tribute Ultra V9.1

December 31, 2004
We've moved site to www.dbz-tribute.com

November 26, 2004
Forums are back up, thanks to Uni for the temporary forum he made us.

October 13, 2004
V8.1 is out. Download above gogo! I know V8 was released like an hour ago, but Annin had to be fixed!!!

Fixes in V8.1
- Fixed missing Hell Heroes bug

Fixes in V8
- Fixed Gohan Old Kai cinematic bug
- Annin/Goz/Mez stats add up bug fixed
- Pathing prob middle right fixed
- Many Absorb bugs fixed
- Evil can no longer buy items
- Z Fighter defeat bug with Buu Full Absorb fixed
- Gohan/Saiyaman intro's fixed so he's invulnerable
- Grouped Dragon Ball bug fixed
- Fusing into Super 13 in tourney bug fixed
- Double attack GOozaru bug fixed
- Added uss2 at level 20 for FTrunks
- FTrunks sword upgrade is now 35 but boosted
- Fixed up speed bugs with Gohan/FTrunks
- Kid Buu/Gogeta have more abilities
- Fixed up Hostile Takeover

October 9, 2004
V7 is out and up for download guys. If you got a mirror for me to put up here, feel free to tell me, it'll save me bandwidth.

Fixes in V7
- Over 60 new custom DBZ/GT icons added
- Hildegarn and Bojack movies nerfed
- Tourney Fighters all revive properly now
- Annin/Goz/Mez now have saga hero stats each revival
- Added new Hero Metal Koola Clones
- Geti Star now has Great Summoning ability
- Geti Star Workers can now repair buildings
- Gohan's infinite Time Chamber bug fixed
- Bebi speed bugs fixed
- Super Bebi and GOozaru Bebi boosted
- Going ss forms when not in body bug fixed
- Some ss forms not reverting bug fixed
- Great Saiyaman now adds +300 from +100 stats
- Complete Data bug fixed
- Gohan can now go mss2 at level 30
- LSS now adds 145 from 125 stats
- LUSS now adds 195 from 145 stats
- Cell 120% not available till level 50 now
- Fixed Cell/Buu/Piccolo Healing (All mana based 1:1 ratio)
- Fixed weak Cell Juniors bug
- Fixed Good/Evil revive wish bug
- Truly randomly placed Dragon Balls
- Bebi's summons now take a % of stats
- Many ss transformation bugs fixed
- Ability to transform in any form (ie ss > ss4)
- Weakened HBTC effectiveness
- Allowed Piccolo fused with Kami to enter HBTC
- Characters now slow down if they are hurt, so no more chasing
- Fixed cinematics so character's are invulnerable during that time
- Fixed Buu absorb bug making people get defeat
- Cooler gets combat data from killing as well as dying now

Here's a list of the current fixes I have so far (September 2, 2004):

Fixes in V6
- Mana gain per Intelligence point nerfed to fix late game
- Most Heroes have 100+ more initial mana to compensate
- All Heroes get more initial hp regen to help early game
- Better Gotenks skin
- New Vegito/Gogeta skin
- New Badass Broly Skin
- Annin stats now /3 from /2
- Goz and Mez stats now /4 from /3
- Saga Heroe's stats now /total players from /3
- Saga Heroe's levels now increase properly
- Bebi experience increased to 150% from 100%
- Hildegarn Fused/Matured nerfed
- Bebi's Constant Memories has been changed
- Enemy now gets vision of their lost unit to Bebi
- Only main Heroes can enter tourney
- Summons are removed each tourney round
- Cell's transformation bugs fixed
- Cell Junior's bugs fixed and nerfed to compensate
- Locate 17/18 bug fixed
- 17/18 are removed once they are absorbed
- Fixed up Bebi Golden Oozaru bugs
- Vegito appearing on cliffs bug fixed
- Vegito/Gogeta stats now transfer properly
- Stats gained by Vegito/Gogeta are also given to Goku/Vegeta
- Broly's Damage Increase ability greatly boosted
- Piccolo's Hell Zone Grenade ability greatly boosted
- Solar Flare boosted
- Geti Star upgrades greatly boosted
- Fixed Oozaru bugs
- New abilities for 13
- Ultra 13 now has an effect
- Senzu Beans model change
- Passive combat skills bugs fixed
- New history attached to most abilities
- Many abilities reworked
- Higher level abilities
- All ability tooltips fixed
- SS transformations now add % damage
- Map hackers can no longer abuse Bebi's Enter Body
- Enter Body absorbs humans properly now
- Enter Body works properly with Babidi now
- Improved all the Sagas
- Added Garlic Jr Saga
- Added Future Trunks Saga
- Added Bojack Unbound Movie
- Added Shadow Dragon Saga
- Added rewards for new Sagas
- Can no longer Teleport after being killed
- Can no longer Teleport to Mystic Training
- Can no longer Teleport while near enemy Heroes
- Many Gohan/Saiyaman bugs fixed
- Gohan Intros fixed
- Saiyaman Intro now only runs once
- Kid Buu/Super Bebi Tourney Bug fixed
- Bebi now gets stats while in bodies
- Bebi's Enter Body skill is now a level 5 skill from level 1
- Many Buu bugs fixed
- Many Cell bugs fixed
- Fixed item movement so items don't disappear
- SS3 + SS4 bug fixed
- Added secret passage to Dr Gero's Lab
- Fixed Annin/Hercule missing bug

Fixes in V5
- Added Hints
- Added Annin, Goz and Mez to HFIL (HELL)
- Kid Buu no longer starts from Level 1
- Extra Sagas evened out, more balanced
- Gotenks stats now divide when you defuse
- Gotenks has his own skin
- Future Trunks has a cooler intro
- Max Hero level and use of certain items bug fixed
- Namekian Healing when fused at 30+ now heals 32 x Hero level
- Fixed evil defeat triggers
- Future Trunk's Style nerfed early game, boosted late game
- Goku's Tourney Teleport bugs fixed
- Broly's luss boosted
- Item movement bugs fixed
- Vegito bug fixed (Gogeta fusion bug)

Fixes In V4
- Added Hildegarn saga
- Completely updated tournament
- Added more to Janemba and Bio saga (Bio Broli added)
- Fixed special effect leaks
- Removed exit tourney (Too many bugs)
- Fixed freezing bugs on tourney
- New saga bugs fixed
- Janemba only tps to available players
- Weaker Yama Helpers
- Fixed any revive/speed bugs
- Nerfs and boosts to certain characters

Fixes In V3
- Bio Saga finished, Janemba saga added
- Fixed Super Namek Piccolo transformation bug
- Reduced mana used for transformations (ie ss/ss2 etc)
- 13 retains level when transforming, which nerfs him
- Gohan Mystic training bug fixed

Fixes In V2
- Fixed evil gain exp in hell on reviving Heroes
- Yama's Assistant revives properly now
- Z fighter dying speed bug fixed
- Buu stats nerfed to compensate for stronger absorb skill
- Android 13/14/15 now a playable character
- Transformations now use mana instead of gold
- Better revive system (Unlimited)
- Radar and beans only purchasable by good, beans are now non-combat consumable
- Skip scenes feature (Type "skip scenes" at startup)
- Agility now gives extra move speed
- Help command has been updated
- Dragon Balls respawn after use
- Saiyaman/Gohan dual SS1 and SS2 bug fixed
- Buu and 120% Cell regeneration strengthened. Heals until mana is 0. 1-1 ratio
- Fixed Buu scenes
- Buu Z Fighter Absorption now gives +125 stats each
- Fixed Dragon Radar problems
- Gohan/Goten Mystic Training Bug Fixed
- Beans dropped when killed
- Updated Bebi for new changes